5 Things to Consider Before Moving on Your Own

February 28, 2020 2:45 pm Published by

woman moving a box into new apartment When adulthood sets in, we are bound to start preparing to move out on our own, due to the need to start a new life. While this stage of life seems natural and inevitable, moving out on our own may seem scary, especially when we don’t have a clue about the things to expect after that. Moving out on your own comes alongside a whole lot of responsibilities, and you don’t have any other option other than taking on those responsibilities and challenges. Sometimes, it does not work out perfectly as planned; nonetheless, that shouldn’t be an excuse for you to remain in your dorm room.

Here are five things you need check to ensure things go according to prior plans:

Credit History: Can you consistently make your minimum monthly payments on your credit card? In this world of advanced technology and digitalization, the concept of a credit card may not be new to you. However, in case you don’t have a credit card, apply for one with a low-interest rate that you can use for regular transactions. By using the credit for daily expenses, you are building a credit history gradually. Once you are known for prompt and consistent payments of monthly bills, your credit score improves, thereby boosting your chances of securing loans quickly.

Have a bill in your name: What is your bank’s perception of you? After getting a credit card and carefully monitoring your credit scores, ensure you get at least a bill in your name. Make consistent payments on that bill before you start planning to move out on your own. Through the bill payments, your banks, creditors, and insurance companies would see you as a responsible client, making it easy for you to secure loans and advances. Worry less about what kind of bill you need, your cell phone, car insurance bill, among others, are simple ways to start this type of credit history.

Set a budget for yourself: Do you have proper documentation for your expenses and income? It is pretty easy for you to have a draft of your financial plans in your head. Not until you put those items in a paper and stay true to it, you won’t have absolute control over your finances. Before moving out on your own, ensure you have budget plans that clearly state your financial goals and targets. Proper budget planning would enhance your ability to meet up with your financial obligations when you move on your own.

Expect to pay additional bills: Can your current income accommodate other expenses? Unlike your dorm room, where you don’t need to worry about utilities, many apartment complexes include payments for services in their monthly rents. Hence, you must have a source of income that can adequately cover these additional expenses to sustain your credit score.

Control your expenses: Are you spending on necessities or luxuries? At this juncture, there is no gainsaying that moving out on your own is not expensive. All the same, it is achievable as long

man standing enjoying the view of his new place

 as you have an adequately planned financial life. Hence, check your expense list and take out things that you don’t necessarily need so that you can meet your financial responsibilities.

While there are other things to consider when moving out on your own, the tips above are a useful guide to ensure you improve on your financial discipline, a significant skill you need when considering moving out on your own. Besides, you can also ask your family and friends who recently moved out questions, and you would enjoy moving out on your own.


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This post was written by kamloopshomesearchcom