Buy, Rent, or Invest – Multifamily Syndication

January 31, 2020 2:45 pm Published by

It is no secret that real estate is one of the best investments one can make for their future. Real estate is considered a safe venture; however, not everyone can buy real estate and expect a return. Multifamily Syndication is a real estate phenomenon that is slowly become a major real estate trend. This is a real estate trend that is showing real estate agents that working smarter is better.

What is Multifamily Syndication? 

Multifamily Syndication is when a group of investors of individuals pool their money together to invest in a multi-unit building. Once the investors have saved enough money for a down payment, they can then look into purchasing a multifamily apartment or property.

Why invest in multifamily properties? 

When it comes to determining if a multifamily property is the one for you and your investors, consider the following: families huddled with arms around each other

  • Multifamily properties offer a high return in capital – investors can watch profits happen faster than those who have single family homes.
  • Tax saving benefits through tax deductions and depreciation – when you invest in a multifamily property, regardless of your city, you are actually contributing to the community. It is for this reason many governments, regardless of level, will provide tax breaks and deductions.
  • Multifamily provides high ROI with equity and/or a lender

Multifamily investment properties provide long term financial gain and security. Sometimes it can be hard to know if buying single family homes is better than purchasing one unit with multiple renters. Multifamily syndication is a real estate phenomenon that is bringing together people’s passion in investing and real estate.

Many cities across Canada and the US are turning over properties and seeing the endless possibilities of investing in multifamily properties. Though capital is needed to get started, investors can see the benefits in no time.

Whether you’re looking to buy or sell in the Kamloops area, for a greater probability of success you need a dedicated professional. I can guide you through the process and be counted on to protect your investment!


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